Raz Schwartz Ph.D.

Senior Insights Manager
Innovation Product Area Lead @ Spotify



Blackwell, L., Ellison, N., Elliott-Deflo, N., & Schwartz, R. (2019). Harassment in Social Virtual Reality: Challenges for Platform Governance. Proc. ACM Human-Computer Interaction, Vol. 3, No. CSCW, Article 100 (November 2019), 26 pages.

Blackwell, L., Ellison, N., Elliott-Deflo, N., & Schwartz, R. (2019). Harassment in Social VR: Implications for Design. In Proceedings of the 26th IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (IEEEVR). Osaka, Japan. March 23-27, 2019.

Schwartz, R., Steptoe W. (2018) The Immersive VR Self: Performance, Embodiment and Presence in Immersive Virtual Reality Environments
Book chapter from A Networked Self and Human Augmentics, AI, Sentience.

Shriram K., Schwartz, R. (2017) All Are Welcome: Using VR Ethnography to Explore Harassment Prevention in Immersive Social Virtual Reality. IEEE VR. Los Angeles, USA, March 2017.

Cranshaw J., Schwartz R., Hong J. I., and Sadeh N. (2017) U.S. Patent 9,846,887 “Discovering Neighborhood Clusters and Uses Therfor”issued December 19, 2017.

Schwartz, R., Naaman, M., Teodoro, R. (2015) Editorial Algorithms: Using Social Media to Discover and Report Local News. The Ninth International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM-15). Oxford, UK, May 2015.

The CityBeat Project: thecitybeat.org

Schwartz, R. and Halegoua, G. R. (2014) The spatial self: Location-based identity performance on social media. New Media & Society.

Schwartz, R. (2014) Online Place Attachment: Exploring Technological Ties to Physical Places in Mobility and Locative Media: Mobile Communication in Hybrid Spaces, Routledge.

Schwartz, R. and Hochman, N. (2014) The Social Media Life of Public Spaces: Reading Places Through the Lens of Geo-Tagged Data. in: Locative Media. Wilken, R., Goggin, G. (Eds.). New York: Routledge.

Schwartz, R. (2013) The Networked Familiar Stranger: An Aspect of Virtual and Local Urban Anonymity. In Cumiskey, K., and Hjorth, L., eds., Seamlessly Mobile? Mobile Media Practices, Presence & Politics. Routledge.

Schwartz, R., Naaman M., Matni Z. (2013) Making Sense of Cities Using Social Media: Requirements for Hyper-Local Data Aggregation Tools. In Proceedings, WCMC Workshop at ICWSM, July, Boston, USA.

Schwartz, R. and Naaman M. (2013) Collective and Individual Mental Maps of the City in Social Awareness Streams In Proceedings, GeoHCI Workshop at CHI, April, Paris, France.

Cranshaw J., Schwartz R., Hong J. I., and Sadeh N. (2012) The Livehoods Project: Utilizing Social Media to Understand the Dynamics of a City. The Sixth International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM-12). Dublin, Ireland, June 2012. [Best Paper Award]

The Livehoods project: livehoods.org

Hochman N., Schwartz R. (2012) Visualizing Instagram: Tracing Cultural Visual Rhythms. The Workshop on Social Media Visualization (SocMedVis) in conjunction with The Sixth International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM-12). Dublin, Ireland.