Our paper “Editorial Algorithms: Using Social Media to Discover and Report Local News” was accepted as a full paper presentation at ICWSM 2015 in Oxford, UK. Here is the abstract: The role of algorithms in the detection, curation and broadcast of news is becoming increasingly prevalent. To better understand this role we developed CityBeat, a system […]
Starting October 2014 I will be joining the research team at Facebook.
A new article by the awesome Germaine Halegoua and me was just published on New Media & Society. Here is the abstract: As a growing number of social media platforms now include location information from their users, researchers are confronted with new online representations of individuals, social networks, and the places they inhabit. To better […]
My team was awarded the Magic grant from the Brown Institute for Media Innovation! Looking forward to an exciting year with my awesome group of people from Rutgers and The Columbia Journalism school. More here: http://www.journalism.columbia.edu/news/848
A bunch of great people (and me) are organizing a workshop at the upcoming ICWSM conference. If you are interested in cities and social media, make sure you submit your work! :) Here is the CFP: The 2nd When the City Meets the Citizens Workshop: Big Data and the Study of the Urban Habitat Boston, July […]
I am super excited to announce that I will be joining Mor Naaman‘s team of researchers in the Social Media Information Lab at Rutgers University for a Post-Doc position this year. I have been following the awesome research they have been doing there for some time now and after meeting the people in person I […]